Similarities for all articles having as reference the selected one will be displayed. Articles are represented by circles or squares.

We are working with articles from the TREC-2005 Genomics track where articles are grouped in topics.
Articles belonging to the same TREC topic as the selected one will be displayed as squares while others will be displayed as circles.

On mouse-over the articles, i.e., circles or squares, the similarity values based on annotations will be displayed as a tooltip.
The first value (coordinate X) corresponds to the similarity based on full-text, the second one (coordinate Y) to the similarity based on title-and-abstract.
The PMID fo which the similarity values are calculated is also displayed.

PMRA is the algorithm used by default. For Cosine or BM25, please add the parameter ?set=cosine or ?set=bm25 to the URL.

You can select what articles are displayed based on the topic for the selected PMID

All topics
Same TREC topic as the selected PMID
Other topics